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Business Model Canvas.

  • Suppliers

  • Shopee

Key Partners

Key Activities

  • Handmade Accessories

  • Online Store

Key Resources

  • Material (Thread, Beads, Packaging, Accessory, Holders)

Value Propositions

  • Interact with People

  • UNIMAS themed

  • Fashionable & Trendy

  • Personalized Packaging

Customer Relationships

  • Product Rating & Reviews

  • Product Customization


  • Social Media (WhatsApp, Instagram, etc)

  • Word of Mouth

Customer Segments

  • Female

  • Teenagers to Young Adults (13-25)

  • UNIMAS Students

  • Low - Income

Cost Structure

  • Threads

  • Keychains

  • Labor

  • Beads

  • Custom Made Cost

Revenue Streams

  • Self-Funding

  • Traditional Revenue

  • Delivery Fee

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